Occupational Therapy is a branch of health-care that focuses on giving children with sensory, physical or cognitive problems, a sense of control in their life. In order for a child to interact with their environment in a healthy way, it is important that they become capable of it. This includes developing fine motor skills as well.
For this purpose, some of the key areas that occupational therapy focuses on are:-
- Sensory processing issues.
- Handwriting difficulties
- Attention span issues
- Delayed gross and fine motor skills
This form of therapy helps children with sensory dysfunction especially those that don’t like brushing teeth, cutting nails, getting a hair cut, hyperactive, fidgety kids or those with short attention span or children on the autism spectrum disorder.
We have a state of art Sensory Integration therapy room to match the international standards and meet each child’s specific sensory needs. This therapy helps immensely with self regulation and holistic development of a child.
Speech therapy is an intensive treatment for difficulties with speaking, swallowing or using languages. Speech Therapy is designed to provide help using voice properly, including the control of muscles that help create and manage sounds. Speech therapy is very important as it teaches a child to communicate with the people around them and express their feelings efficiently.
Speech Therapy focuses on:-
- Stuttering and stammering
- Delayed speech
- Speech clarity
- Cleft lip and palate
- Narration skills
- Pragmatics
- Articulation
- Fluency disorders
- communication and language skills
The Five Areas of Language :
- Phonology: Sounds in language and the rules that determine how the sounds are used (a-apple a-ate)
- Semantics: vocabulary of language
- Syntax: sentence structure (verb, noun, etc)
- Morphology: meaning of language
- Pragmatics: how we use language to communicate socially
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior.
Behavior analysis helps us to understand:
- How behavior works
- How behavior is affected by the environment
- How learning takes place
ABA therapy applies our understanding of how behavior works to real situations. The goal is to increase behaviors that are helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning.
ABA therapy programs can help:
- Increase language and communication skills
- Improve attention, focus, social skills, memory, and academics
- Decrease problem behaviors
Applied Behavior Analysis involves many techniques for understanding and changing behavior. ABA is a flexible treatment:
- Can be adapted to meet the needs of each unique person
- Provided in many different locations – at home, at school, and in the community
- Teaches skills that are useful in everyday life
- Can involve one-to-one teaching or group instruction
Positive reinforcement is one of the main strategies used in ABA.
When a behavior is followed by something that is valued (a reward), a person is more likely to repeat that behavior. Over time, this encourages positive behavior change.
First, the therapist identifies a goal behavior. Each time the person uses the behavior or skill successfully, they get a reward. The reward is meaningful to the individual – examples include praise, a toy or book, watching a video, access to playground or other location, and more.
Positive rewards encourage the person to continue using the skill. Over time this leads to meaningful behavior change.
Antecedent, Behavior, ConsequenceUnderstanding antecedents (what happens before a behavior occurs) and consequences (what happens after the behavior) is another important part of any ABA program.
The following three steps – the “A-B-Cs” – help us teach and understand behavior:
An antecedent: this is what occurs right before the target behavior. It can be verbal, such as a command or request. It can also be physical, such a toy or object, or a light, sound, or something else in the environment. An antecedent may come from the environment, from another person, or be internal (such as a thought or feeling).
A resulting behavior: this is the person’s response or lack of response to the antecedent. It can be an action, a verbal response, or something else.
A consequence: this is what comes directly after the behavior. It can include positive reinforcement of the desired behavior or no reaction for incorrect/inappropriate responses.
Looking at A-B-Cs helps us understand:
- Why behavior may be happening
- How different consequences could affect whether the behavior is likely to happen again
Good ABA programs for autism are not “one size fits all.” ABA should not be viewed as a canned set of drills. Rather, each program is written to meet the needs of the individual learner.
The goal of any ABA program is to help each person work on skills that will help them become more independent and successful in the short term as well as in the future
Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®) was originally developed at UCLA by Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson, Founder and Director of the UCLA PEERS® Clinic, and Dr. Fred Frankel in 2005 and has expanded to locations across the United States and the world. PEERS® is a manualized, social skills training intervention for youth with social challenges. It has a strong evidence-base for use with adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder, but is also appropriate for preschoolers, adolescents, and young adults with ADHD, anxiety, depression, and other socioemotional problems. Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®) is a 16-week evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated adolescents in middle school or high school who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends. During each group session adolescents are taught important social skills and are given the opportunity to practice these skills in session during socialization activities (e.g. playing sports, board games, etc.). Parents are taught how to assist their teens in making and keeping friends by providing feedback through coaching during weekly socialization homework assignments.
This is a unique curriculum that uses entertaining, multisensory techniques and research based methods to help students develop skills sequentially and form letters—from Prewriting to Printing to Cursive. Our simple instructional techniques and activities help improve a child's self-confidence, pencil grip, body awareness, and posture; and develop other essential school success skills. Best of all, kids love the activities and are proud of their work.
This program can be beneficial for any child to learn “handwriting without tears” as it is rightly called.
Brain Gym™ uses movements to accelerate learning and enhance performance. This is performed through sets of exercises that help coordinate and integrate the two hemispheres of the brain. These movements are extremely helpful to improve attention span, reading, writing, auditory comprehension, mathematical skills, makes correct letter formations and avoid letter mirroring in students.

Social Thinking focuses on helping kids figure out how to think in social situations. Kids are taught to observe and think about their own and others' thoughts and feelings. They also learn the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
It is an intervention that is used to promote an individual's development through a respectful, playful, joyful, and engaging process. It uses the power of relationships and human connections to promote engagement, communication, positive behaviors, and thinking.
It is called Floortime because the parent gets down on the floor with the child to play and interact with the child at their level. Floortime is an alternative to ABA and is sometimes used in combination with ABA therapies.
PROMPT stands for Restructuring Oral MuscularPhonetic Targets . It is a tactile- kinesthetic approach to speech therapy , which means that the speech therapist uses touch cues on the client’s face (vocal folds, jaws, lips, tongue) to support and shape correct movement of these articulators. This hands- on approach assists the child to plan, coordinate, produce speech sounds and improve clarity.